Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Bach Flower Therapy

“The Bach Flower Essences are 38 flower-based formulas made from blooms of healing plants. Flower essences are a form of vibrational medicine and each essence serves to balance a specific emotional state.”

Bach flower remedies are a unique form of energy medicine that has become increasingly popular among alternative healthcare professionals; Dr edward bach ,a trained allopath physician and a homeopath of U.K IN 1930 had an insight when he found that the dew on fresh blossoms of certain plants, when exposed to the light and warmth of the morning sun, contained a certain "essence" of the plant's energetic qualities, which had a profound effect on the human psyche. He then developed a modified preparation method, which is currently in use, by collecting fresh blossoms and placing them on the surface of a bowl of water, exposed to the morning sun, until the essence of the flower has been infused into the water.
When the appropriate essence is ingested by a person (several drops, several times a day), it awakes an awareness of a particular emotional and/or mental pattern that is repressed or in conflict, assisting the person to make lasting changes.
Bach's intention was that flower essences are selected to address the issues affecting the person's psyche, , and through changes in attitude and awareness physical health is impacted. Thus, a clinician using flower essences generally does an intake interview exploring the psychological aspects of a person's condition. Once the individual is understood as a whole being, a selection of several flower essences may be given as catalysts for psycho-spiritual change and greater mind-body health.[15]

The effects of Bach Remedies are 'dynamic' and not physiological. In other words, you cannot harm anyone in any way by so-called overdosing or wrong prescription.

Again, there are no side-effects or contra-indications. Also, no diet restrictions and can be taken while you are on other forms of treatment/therapy. (Anything dissolved in sugar base or alcohol or honey have no expiry date. Bach Remedies are available in the form of tiny sugar pills. Hence these have no expiry date.)

Unbalanceed Emotions" in psyche. (i.e. frustration, grief, mental shock, numbness, apathy, uncontrolled anger, bitterness, excessive shame, guilt, arrogance, envy, jealousy, greed, fear, suspicious nature, inferiority complex, persistent agony or melancholy, grieving, mental instability, tension, stress, escapism or shilly-shallying tendencies, communication apprehension, poor will power, low grasping, absentmindedness, sloth, laziness, dawdling, dodging etc.)
are catered and medicines help in bringing down the mental excesses

When one begins the process of the scientific study of alternative therapies, such as flower essences, one must appreciate the necessity to consider alternate ways of utilizing the scientific method. The study of metaphysical events using classic psycho physiological methods, alone, leaves something to be desired. Negative findings, rather than it being a statement about the veracity of the metaphysical phenomena itself, could represent the fact that one is looking for results in the wrong place or has chosen to monitor the wrong physiological system. of energetic fields produced by flower essences However the evidence can be found in color-plate photographs by the German researcher Dieter Knapp.

Using a variation of the Kirlian method, Dr. Knapp placed a drop of each flower essence on special photographic film. Each essence produced a distinct pattern, described by Knapp as an indicator of its characteristic bio energy pattern.

View my interview in Guardian Health Chronicle -

1 comment:

Meenakshi said...

A good article on Bach Flower therapy. i guess there are only a few therapists that practice this therapy.