Monday, October 12, 2020

Longings are.....


Longings are  like a trail  left behind in a deep forest, One keeps revisiting the forest on the same trail , unable to find any other path and yet under the illusion of exploring the vastness of the forest.

Longings  are like the neural pathways developed through the span of one's life , in search, in this eternal pursuits and neural pathways are eventually, the scars formed as the journey has no final destination as " the other" in one's life may have different pathways, running parallel , never meeting!

Longings  are neurotransmitters like Dopamine & Oxytocin shooting up and sadly down!

Longings and their destinations are the value given to life

Longings are the beats of heart varying, all  the time!

Longings are this inner chatter, with no quite

Longings are not the space but words, entangled enmeshed

And longings leave a trail behind!

And longings are the invisible scars , in an invisible space and time!

Longings are.....

Longings are  like a trail  left behind in a deep forest, One keeps revisiting the forest on the same trail , unable to find any other path and yet under the illusion of exploring the vastness of the forest.

Longings  are like the neural pathways developed through the span of one's life , in search, in this eternal pursuits and neural pathways are eventually,the scars formed as the journey has no final destination as " the other" in one's life may have different pathways, running parallel , never meeting!

Longings  are neurotransmitters like Dopamin& Oxytoxin shooting up and sadly down!

Longings and their destinations are the value given to life

Longings are the beats of heart varying, all  the time!

Longings are this inner chatter, with no quite

Longings are not the space but words, entangled enmeshed

And longings leave a trail behind!

And longings are the invisible scars , in an invisible space and time!

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Positive Thinking

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The problem of how

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Questions to self?

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Covid 19 and religion.

The content of  Religion is religious beliefs, surety of right and wrong, surety of purpose in life, surety of cause and effect.
The religious beliefs in the times of covid 19 were not for the first time shaken, as death did not spare even the holy congregation in the house of almighty!

The destruction during natural calamities always defied the cause and effect model of human thinking as it could be just an energy shift beyond rhyme and reason.

Revelation one.
Nature is not interested in the  "pious  man".

The rationalist all over the world are busy analysing , trying to dig the cause, showering bravado on the states least affected, even when one has no grip over the factors like virulence of strains of virus, geographical location , racial effects etc

They are also stuck in the If's and but's, woulds and shoulds just like any other mortal, who is regreting and analysing his past ruminating over If's and but's as life energy untouched by all of it moves as it must!

The sea waves keep contemplating the reasons of high and low tide!
The sea waves keep fearing their extinction.
The sea waves keep planning ,how to avoid extinction!

And the ocean , which is turbulent and calm at the same time is essentially one!
And it doesn't give a hoot to the fear, the belief and the analysis of the waves.It had  never asked the wave to identify itself as wave!

It was there! It is there

Revelation two
God or supreme energy is untouched by your peity, your tragedy, your worship, your purpose, your honesty and your righteousness

And if somehow all the  spiritual and religious knowledge, all what has been said or is being said  is all gone , what would be left would be life , not my life not your life ,but life which is "one" which is changing its
 forms and changing its patterns, forever!

Revelation three
Novel Corona virus invisibly and silently continues its journey how it must only to finally stop,when it must!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


In case you do not wish to meditate call 91-9818089129 for an appointment .
Meditation has its root meaning 'to measure'
What is generally called meditation is but concentration . Concentrating on a particular object, sign,set of syllables,breath,sound,light etc!. One set of thought curbing or struggling to suppress other thoughts . SUPPRESSION IS THE KEY OR ESSENCE, and the outcome is conflict struggle and pushing the problem deeper! By associating with some religious symbols or mantras or signs,one considers it as a very sacred act!
And the repetitive-ness brings about 'peace' which is nothing but drowsing the mind akin to hypno- therapy where subconscious mind is lulled by repetitive activity of the mind.
Mantras--Chanting of mantras which have a specific meaning and vibration does shape ones psyche in a desired form to re enforce and superimpose a chosen thought pattern over the pre-existing pattern ,to temporarily achieve the desired mental state. But it is extremely VIOLENT as it fights the existing, opposite pattern , overpowering and suppressing it,only for the suppressed thought pattern to express itself in magnified and virulent form at a later stage!!!!

T ANOTHER GIMMICK OF MIND TO KEEP ITS CONTINUITY.And its unfortunate that one does not have any other tool other than mind at one's disposal!
one can alter ones physiology with various drugs like L.S.D,MESCALIN [Reduces oxygen and glucose to the parietal lobe which functions in self identification of the self]and have some wonderful psychic or religious experiences. One can stop the oxygen supply to the brain by holding the breath or bring about hypothermia and change the sphere of visual and audio perception and have these so called religious experiences.

After the end of all this struggle and effort, one essentially remains the remains with the insecurities, the conflicts, the sorrow and the quest for eternal happiness!
And the effort and the conflict gradually brings about a neurosis of a kind,which may or may not be visible or classifiable. The ego of a person practicing meditation or sadhna of any kind is thus bloated [may or may not be concealed] as the doer strengthens itself in doing!with ever widening gulf of division between I and you!
It is nothing but "high" which one seeks ,either through yoga or meditation
Bored with daily routine life,one seeks sensual pleasure of a kind in form of religious or spiritual experiences.or when the mind is saturated by daily life worries,anxiety,trauma,one seeks an outlet through meditation, and the peace which one experiences is but a gap between two worries or stressful situations.


Yoga kriyas ,kundalani awakening techniques, tantric sex and various other forms of meditation and sadhna are flooded in spiritual market promising peace ,eternal happiness and spiritual growth . And the outcome of all this is the society, we live in!!!
All this effort and struggle is to attain an idealistic state ,ignoring what 'one is'
a movement away from unitary life energy,which is always in present.
One who is taking you into an inner journey,does not know ,that by dividing the self into inner and outer he is making sure ,that he is perpetuating the existing conflict.

In a nutshell as long as the mediator is different from the meditation, There always will be duality and conflict, and there is no way they can become one.
Mankind has been taken for a ride by the gurus into believing that meditation is a gradual evolutionary process at the end of which , waits liberation, the final bait!!!!
Liberation from-----------?